18 Mar

It has become more difficult to punish a man in his 20s who threw a raw egg at the LA Dodgers players who arrived in Korea for the opening Seoul Series. The Dodgers reportedly said it would not punish the man.

The Incheon International Airport Police said on March 18 that it had confirmed its intention to not punish A from the Dodgers team in connection with the throwing of raw eggs.

"No one in the team was hit by a raw egg at the time, so there was no damage," the Dodgers said through a Korean event agency. "I have no intention to punish the suspect." However, the Dodgers said, "I hope that the same thing will not happen again when I leave the country again."

The police plan to reject A, who was booked without detention on charges of assault, as the victim's team, the Dodgers, did not want to punish the suspect.
A is suspected of throwing a raw egg at the Dodgers' squad leaving Incheon International Airport Terminal 1 on the afternoon of March 15. The raw egg did not fly to the squad, but it broke after falling to the ground in front of Dodgers manager Dave Roberts.

A, who has received psychiatric treatment in the past, stated in a police investigation, "Why should we welcome foreign players?" and "I just threw (a raw egg) because I felt bad."  토토사이트

The legal community interprets that even if someone threw a raw egg and threw it on purpose, the crime of assault can be applied. However, assault is a crime of "unintentional punishment", and if the victim does not want to, the suspect cannot be punished. Although the Dodgers did not want punishment, A was able to avoid punishment.

A police official said, "The victim's position is important for the crime of assault. The Dodgers team's intention that it does not want punishment has been confirmed, and the case will be closed by default."

Since arriving in Korea on Thursday, the Dodgers has been holding training and practice matches at Gocheok Sky Dome in Seoul. Dodgers will play its opening two consecutive games against the San Diego Padres from Friday to Sunday before departing for the U.S.

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